CALL? You mean like... a telephone CALL?

Hello my dear subscribers!
I enjoy to see you all again. Today's topic is about the brief history of CALL.

CALL? You mean like.... a telephone CALL? A CALL from a friend?"

It might be the first thing that comes to your minds. But the CALL that I'm going to talk about it actually the abbreviation of the term "Computer Assisted Language Learning". In the last post, we talked about the 21th century education and how technology is the main part of it. The first thing that comes to our minds when we talk about the technology is likely to be "computers". Computers can help us in every area of our lives. Besides playing video games or downloading videos from Youtube, you can actually use them for educational purposes, especially as a great assist in language learning and teaching. It helps us reach out any kind of information, activites, resources, people, etc. anytime we like and it is way more life saver than most of the things when we consider the value of our time.

Let's see how did it all start? Here is the timeline to help you understand its history of development briefly.

CALL basically refers to using computers in classrooms for language education. It can reach any kind of student with any level of language proficiency, it can let teachers to provide more in and outside classroom activites or examples to every kind of learners accordingly to their needs.

For those who would like to learn more about CALL, here is an article for you. It was published by DCU School of Computing. With this articles you can also see its advantages, limitations, relations with other fields and relationship with second language acquisition.

I hope this can help you to have an idea about the CALL and its history. If you have any suggestions or something that you wonder, please don't hesitate to share with me. I wish to see all of you next time, here again! Stay tuned!

I wish you the greatest and most productive day ever! Stay mentally and physically strong!
P.S.:All lives worth to live to the fullest!

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