Semi-farewell folks!

Hello my dear subscribers!
It's great to see you all here again! 

This is going to be both a farewell post and, I hope, a new welcoming post. I had so many different blogs so far, in which either I published solely what goes on in my mind, or I published some of my short stories... But neither of them lasted as much as this blog. This blog is and was an educational blog. It's actually created for a purpose, which is to publish the materials I created or tasks that I completed for my Instructional Technology and Material Design course. When I first started, I was excited. For the first time, I felt that I'll be the one who will finally and actively work on something. Indeed, I did. Personally, I really enjoy to have responsibilities to fulfill, projects/tasks to accomplish, things to deal with,.. This may sound crazy to you... but my life wouldn't have a meaning both without working out 💪 and without stressing 😵. Seriously! I feed my soul like that.

From now on, you won't be seeing anything related with my course. That's why, this is a semi-farewell post.  As far as I remember, around two months ago I've published a post in which I shared my personal view on technology use. You can also click here to review it. Whatever I've said/thought/believed in that post still haven't changed today. It just grew stronger. I believe from the heart that our future students will definetely need the technology. If we truly want to be a good teacher, we should train ourselves and find new alternatives for technology use in our classrooms, in order to MAKE OUR STUDENTS USE THEM. We have already learned English, we have been already aware of our needs, how or when we learn something, or through which assist. They are the ones who need to figure who they are, and all the things I have just written. If we take the control of everything, If we solely guide them, we can't expect them to express themselves. If you ever kill a student's creativity, you end up with a robot. 

Make everything turn into an experiment. Make everything to be open to embrace everyone with their differences. Make everything go beyond the classroom. Make them open their minds. These all can only be accomplished through the use of technology. Even if you give a detailed information about how to complete a certain task to your students, you'll see that you can't actually guess the outcomes. Once they are able to express themselves truly, you'll be suprised to see how the outcomes vary.

So, yes! Technology will be the most important assist in my classroom in the future. But I assure you that my students will be the ones dealing with the technology itself. I'll only spend my time to see what changes happen, with what kind of different tasks I can come up to assign them and how I can be more creative in my teaching practice. Like I told you before, I still DO want to become an Educational Technology Specialist. I can't even think of anything that suits me well and suits my ethical views on teaching better than this job! I'd like to thank my teacher Gökçe Kurt, who has given me a new perspective on teaching and the technology use. I can't even express how lucky I am to be her student. I must admit that I was a bit afraid when the course first started, as I thought that I am terrible at technology use. Her course has shown me that I can do anything If I want to. It's never too late to learn, too late to enhance your creativity. I'll always remember this course and her, and I promise her to do my best to make my students use the technology. I think this course is essential for every teacher. I believe everything was planned so well. I don't think that there needs to be an improvement in the syllabus. But I would love to see this course continue in the following term. Maybe this can be an improvement. 💞 🙋👼 I enjoyed every seconds of it. It was a great chance to be actively involved and to see what I am capable of. This course made me feel proud of myself.

I've said that this is going to be a welcoming post either. I'll be here, sharing either my own products or some different ideas, tasks, projects, podcasts, videos, etc.. from different teachers that I follow. I loved the process so much that I can't even think of stopping! My blog will be here but I'll be the one assigning tasks to my own self from now on. I hope to share my journey that goes to becoming an Educational Technology Specialist and my journey afterwards, hopefully. 😊

I wish you all a great day with all the positive vibes! Stay physically and mentally strong!
p.s.: All lives worth to live to the fullest! 


  1. İlayda it was my pleasure to have an enthusiastic student like you. I believe you will achieve all of your dreams. I am always here to help you if ever needed.


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