First thing first, teach students to be mindful

Hello my dear subscribers! 
It's great to see you all again!

     I am quite excited about today's topic. We will talk about what podcast is, how can one create a podcast and share, how series of podcasts can be used in language teaching and learning and so on. 

     Like I told you before, I am taking Instructional Technology and Material Design course. In this course, we were assigned to create our own podcasts and share it on our blogs. I must admit that I felt quite stressful because I had never even listened a podcast before. First, I did my best to understand its concept, how it works, what to dos/donts and tried to find my own taste. What I've learned so far is that podcast is the new radio. Of course they have lots of differences. A podcast is mostly a digital audio file and downloaded to Internet. They typically consist of series, regularly updated and can be followed by its subscribers. It can be about anything. It is mostly used for recreational purposes but it can also be used for education as well. 

     Until I started to create my own podcast, I had no idea how easy it was. Only thing that you need to do is to record your own voice, whether by using your phone or computer, or any device which can help. Then what is left to do is to upload that audio file to Internet through some websites speacialized for podcast sharing. Of course don't forget to decide what to say, how to say and what message to give in the very first beginning.

     I plan to use podcast in the future, especially if I teach young learners. It's a great way to provide after-class activity. You can use it to tell stories, teach vocabulary & pronunciation & common phrases & culture of the target language, etc. We should remind ourselves that our future students will be the ones who are the generation of technology. We can't keep them away from the innovations, various resources. A good teacher is the one who supplies the needs of his/her students.

     Here is an example of podcast. This podcast is created by me for the task I was given by my teacher.  This podcast is inspired from "Sixty Second Idea to Improve the World" by BBC. 

First thing first, teach students to be mindful

I chose to talk about importance of teaching students to be mindful. If we don't connect with our innerselves, we can't know what is truly best for us. We are given too much information, activities, duties before even we understand who we are, how we can process what we are given. I believe, in order to have a healthy classroom environment, first the teacher should be aware of him/herself and why he/she do what he/she is doing. Nothing should be part of a plan in the classroom. Everything needs to have a meaning. Students need to be aware of their own learning styles and needs. They need to engage with themselves so that they can be creative. 

Only the happy and mindful children of today can be the leader of a better future.

For those who would like to learn more about mindfulness, please check these websites;
1- Mindfulness for kids
2- The Balanced Educator podcast 
3- 19 Ideas to promote creativity

And for those who would like to create their own podcast;

I wish you the greatest and most productive day ever! Stay mentally and physically strong!
P.S.:All lives worth to live to the fullest!


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