One Cannot Escape From the Reality

Hello my dear subscribers! 
Long time no see, its great to see you all here again! 

     Frankly, I had been quite busy with my mid-term exams, and after that with preparing a new project which is going to be the topic of this blog.

      During the last week, me and my friends worked on creating a padlet wall. Before I show you our page, I would like to talk about what is padlet, how can it be used in English teaching or any kind of teaching area, what are its affordances as well as its weeknesses.

   Padlet is a technological tool which can be used in teaching area. Padlet has a very basic system, one can create a wall easily and others can share or change it either at different times, or at the same time from different accounts. This is one of the most efficient affordance of the padlet as this makes it quite suitable for group projects. As it can be individualized, it brings up the creative sides of the students. Let's say, as a teacher, you told your students to create their padlet wall in groups of 5-6 people. At the end, you'll see that all of them have different outcomes due to different perspectives and senses of creativity.

  Besides, from my point of view, the MOST important affordance of the padlet is the fact that nobody has to come together to work on it. Its a fact that in the 21st century, it's one of the hardest thing to meet up without leaving a person aside. Everybody has different schedules, plans. We all live in the different parts of our cities. (especially consider Istanbul and the traffic jam).  To prepare a group project on padlet, the time or the place is not important. You can complete your own part at home and at any time. On Friday at 2 a.m.? Suit yourself!

  As far as I see, the only negative side of the padlet is its being way too simple. It may not let you upload everything to the page and we shouldn't forget that like in Wikii, one can come and change your content. When you complete your group project, beaware of the others who may want to spoil your work 😅😅😅

   You can click here to visit our wall. We all talked or created materials about freedom and rights. I enjoyed being a part of it, as I think that we still need to let the world hear our voice and your voices. Each day, we all talk about our needs, our wishes, our expectations. We are all aware what is essential for us and what is arbitrary. Yet, we only consider our own selves, we don't give a second to think whether these apply to others or not. We all are HUMANS. Wishes or expectations can change, but what is essential for our nature will remain the same, no matter what. We can't escape from the reality. Some people are still not given or even not considered to be given their rights. Quite shockingly, some people from quite democratic and equalitarian countries are not given their rights. Having legal rights is one thing. What is important is the second thing which is the social rights, and individual freedom. If you are interested in, or would like to learn more about this, please don't hesitate check our padlet wall and please listen our podcasts/vodcasts.

Here is mine;

     Another reason why I enjoyed preparing this project is because I had great partners in crime. 🙋 I appreciate all of their work and their marvellous minds. Please check their blogs, you'll see that their contents are quite creative and you may find the same projects/designs/materials from different and unique perpectives.

Gülşah's blog
Refiye's blog
Munise's blog
Sıla's blog
Eren's blog

     Before I say "see you all", I would like to add that using padlet might be a great and easy source for your students. We all aware the change and how fast the technology grows, we should do our bests to use the technology. Don't forget that this is what your students need now or definetely will need in the future.

I hope to see all of you here again 💜

I wish you the greatest and most productive day ever! Stay mentally and physically strong!
P.S.:All lives worth to live to the fullest!


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