Change the Perspective

Hello my dear subscribers!
I hope that you are all shining brighter than the sun! 

   I have a very exciting and appealing material to talk about. I'm sure that you'll all like it.

   You know what they say, "Don't judge a book/movie by its cover". But somehow we still do it, right?👀 Maybe its the greatest book or movie ever... Then whose fault is that...? The graphic designer's? How would it be like If you could create your own cover for your favorite book or movie, or let's say, what if you could change the cover of certain books or movies, what would you do? How would you arrange the colors, pictures, texts...?

   Today's technology giving us every kind of opportunity to create our own material. As a student or a teacher, you can simply go and create your own podcast, video, game, wikii page, digital story, etc. Or maybe some other materials that I don't even know about.

    Creating a poster can be a good example. In this era, we all appreciate the power of creativity and engaging with your ownself. This is why you should encourage your students to create their own posters. By creating such tool, they can enhance their creativity, they can learn how to arrange colors, texts and images in a harmony, they can take control and responsibility, and they can enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes when they manage to complete their own work of art/product. Let them see things from their own perspective. Don't let them adjust what is being served to them, but teach them how can come up with their own ideas and how they can demonstrate their unique perceptions by using certain tools.

   Here is my own poster which actually gives a clue about me. 

   In the future, I definitely plan to ask my students to complete such projects. Especially if I ever ask them to read a book or watch a movie. I really wish to see how would they create their own posters/covers. I believe that its a great opportunity to observe their personalities as there will be a certain pattern or element that will give a clue about their interests, perceptions, etc. Don't miss this great chance!

I wish you all the most productive day ever! Stay physically and mentally strong!
p.s.: All lives worth to live to the fullest!


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