All You Need is You

Hello my dear subscribers!
I hope you all are well and shining more than the sun! 

   You know how much I love to tell and remind you that we need to serve to the needs of our students who are the most important participants and natives of this technological era. That's why we shouldn't hesitate to use any kind of technological material that can interest them and make them become more eager and successful learners. So far we have seen various materials and examples that can be applied/used in a classroom.

   Today we'll see another one which is "digital storytelling". Its a quite efficient way of communicating through digital graphics, music, recorded audio narration, text etc. I think the most important thing about digital storytelling is the fact that it can engage with any kind of learner as its appealing, creative work of art.

   To create a digital storytelling project, you can either create your own fictional characters, use animals or objects, or use real humanbeings instead. You can either create a fictional or non-fictional story, you can share personal memories, you can show and teach "how to do something", you can create your own trailer for your favorite book, etc... and the list goes on...

   In the beginning, I actually wanted to create a fictional story by also creating and using fictional characters, however, then I decided to rather show some examples to you and create my own "how to do something" video. If you've ever checked "learn more about me" section, you must have seen that I'm into yoga and I have a challenge for myself, which is to "do headstand all over the world". This is the reason why I gave up on creating a fictional story and decided to do this instead. As this is also a blog that carries personal elements, this time I wanted to share with you something about me and my interests. Morever, besides becoming an English teacher in the future, I have plans for being both a personal trainer and a yoga teacher as side jobs. (Maybe they turn into my 'main job' some day). So, in this project, my target audiences are the ones who would like to learn about yoga.

Here is my "digital storytelling project";

Here are examples of digital storytelling created by others;


    You see that these videos are created by students. This suggests us that, with some help our students can create their own videos and this videos can develop their group work skills, help them get use to taking responsibilities, make them happy give them the feeling of "accomplishment", enhance their creativity, make them engage with the lesson even more, etc... 

Over and over again... I'm telling you... Make them take the control of their own learning. We are all unique and we all have great minds open to develop. Please don't limit them into some standarts, or your own expectations. Make them go beyond the traditional classroom, engage their ownselves and their technological nativeness.

    Trust me, its not difficult the create such works, especially to a create digital storytelling project. Use a camera or not. Use you own voice or not. Use pictures/animated images or not. Create fictional characters or not. Its up to your preferences. You see, I only used a camera, my ownself and my own voice, merged all of them together by using the app called "VivaVideo" and it was done after 5 minutes. Once you are into finding alternatives and new ways of teaching, you'll be able to see that nothing is hard to do. You don't need some special computer skills. All you need is YOU. 

Thank you for reading and watching. I appreciate your time.
I wish you all a great and efficient day. Stay physically and mentally strong!
p.s.: All lives worth to live to the fullest!  


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