Creativity in Charge

Hello my dear subscribers!
I hope you're all shining brighter than the sun!

Today, we'll talk about what's "infographic", how you can create one and for what purpose you can use them in your classroom. Then I'll show you some examples created by others and show my own product.

Infographics present information visually. They integrate design, writing, and analysis with the bulk of the information you want to convey. They are quite trendy; they are attractive due to being colorful and they are a great assist for those who learn visually. We all know that as humanbeings, our attention span is very limited. That's why we need to come up with alternatives and provide our students with appealing materials. This type of material is, I believe, engaging for visual learners and especially young learners.

Here are some infographic examples by others;

Infographic are so easy to create. All you need to do is go to this page and start creating. Frankly, I had no idea how to start creating one, I haven't even watched the video tutorials they have created for those who haven't created an infographic before. Yet, I managed to do it as it has a very basic system that enables you to figure out how it works and it has so many affordances. All you need is your own creativity and time. I must admit that it takes a lot of time but I assure you that this process will be so much fun and you'll definetely feel that you have all the control over what you want to end up with. 

My infographic gives brief information about some of my favorite Web 2.0 tools that we can all benefit from while teaching or assigning our students with homeworks/school projects.  

Here is my infographic;

Thank you for reading. I hope this and my other posts encourage you to use different materials and make you also encourage your own students to use them. 
I wish you all the most productive day ever! Stay physically and mentally strong! 
p.s.: All lives worth to live to the fullest! 


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