Let RSS Catch Up For You

Hello my dear subscribers!
I hope you are doing well! 

Today we'll talk about something that might be very useful from now on, to those who haven't heard about it before. It's called RSS Feed. It's a software that enables you to follow your favorite blogs. Why would you need it? Because you can immediately see the freshly-updated blogs/posts in seconds. You don't need to go from pages to pages just to catch up. RSS does it for you.

Just to give you more details, RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It regularly and automatically updates itself and delivers you the newest content. The content doesn't need to be necessarily a blog-post. According to your preferences, it might be the news, or posts from social media.

You can either download it or you can use its online version simply by using your google account (like I do, by the way. 😇).

You can see the link that I use here;

Let's say, you didn't want to download it to your computer and chose to use it online like me. Then this is the website for you to google. After you sign in by using your google account, the next step is to add your favorite feeds either by grouping them or not, to your feedreader account. I'll show you guys how to do it by using screenshots.

From now on, you can easily catch up with the newly-updated content. Now, I'd like to show you my favorite blogs that I follow regularly. Especially there is one blog that I really love and find quite helpful. I believe that this blog can enhance your English teaching skills and can give you great ideas to use in your classrooms. 

These are the blogs that I follow;

This is the home page of my favorite blog, you can click here

This blog belongs to an educational consultant who works with educators to support English learners. She creates infographics, presentations and writes posts. If you ever check her page, you'll see that below the page, there are so many categories that you can click on and reach so many utilizing sources that will enhance your English teaching skills. She also regularly updates her page. I find her quite inspirational and professional.

If you have any question, please don't hesitate to ask me!
See you next time!

I hope you all the most joyful and productive day ever! Stay physically and mentally strong!
p.s.: All lives worth to live to the fullest! 


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